I am a sponsor and the event is using run.events. How do I start?

I am a sponsor or exhibitor, and the event we are sponsoring is using run.events. How can I use it to the best of my ability?

First of all, you will love the experience. Although you may need to familiarize yourself with the system to maximize your return on investment, the process is much easier, faster, and more streamlined than what you're normally accustomed to.

The first step is to accept the invitation from the event organizer to join the sponsor team. You will receive an email invitation and need to click on the "Accept" button. When you do, you'll be asked to sign in to your existing run.events account or create one if you don't already have it. The process is simple and takes almost no time at all. Please remember which login you used to log in to run.events as the most common issue is forgetting this information and then attempting to access event data with a different login that is not connected to your sponsorship.

Your role within the sponsorship will be determined by the event organizer and your event sponsor representative. It could be as a "Lead Manager," which would enable you to gather and analyze leads, a "Task Manager," which would allow you to see and manage tasks related to your sponsorship, or both.

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