All Ideas

Agenda versioning - save agenda and revert to previous version

Under Consideration Nicholas R. Comments: 2 Reply 4 months ago by Luca V.
6 votes

"I'm speaking"

Under Consideration Sasha K. 5 months ago No Comments
6 votes

Event Team task management system

Planned Luca V. Comments: 1 Reply 4 months ago by Adis J.
3 votes

Random "Session details" widget

Under Consideration Luca V. 3 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Voucher can hide a ticket type

Under Consideration Luca V. 2 months ago No Comments
1 vote

App vs website experience: presentation deck

Under Consideration Anna B. 2 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Disable Microsoft B2B authentication method

Under Consideration Luca V. 2 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Allow session's deck download after session is ended

Under Consideration Luca V. 2 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Allow downloading of feedback of a session

Under Consideration Jussi R. 2 months ago No Comments
1 vote
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