Ticket cancellations and refunds

Ticket cancellations are fully supported on the run.events platform. However, there are certain situations where this option might be deactivated, so you can check the following:

1) Configuration settings of the ticket type - this checkbox has to be enabled:

2) The person who wants to cancel the ticket is not the same person that purchased/ordered the ticket - in that case, only the original ticket purchaser can cancel the ticket

3) The ticket badge has already been printed -> in that case, only the organizer can cancel the ticket from the organizers Tickets screen

How can ticket cancellation be created?

In general, ticket cancellation requests can be created either by the ticket purchaser, or by you as the organizer. In either case, a ticket cancellation request is created, and you can find a list of all requests here:

Finances -> Cancellation requests (for free or unpaid tickets)

Finances -> Refund requests (for tickets that have already been paid)

In the case you would like to cancel a ticket yourself, you can go to Tickets and Attendees -> Tickets, open the ticket details and click on "Cancel and refund" to create the ticket cancellation request. A pop-up screen will then give you the option to be redirected to that request, so you can approve it right away.

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