Working with Invoices

Invoices are located in the finance section. Open the finances and click on invoices.

 Invoices from your event will be listed with the following items:

payment status: due, partially paid, completely paid, overpaid or canceled.

Cancellations corrections

Invoice number

Date and time

Customer type: individual/company

Customer name

Purchased by

Number of tickets/addons


To display the details, click on a specific invoice and a flyout window will open with details and options related to that invoice.

By choosing the create payment option, you can manually input payment information for that customer (if ‘manual payments’ have been allowed). There is also an option to send an email with the invoice link to the customer, as well as to download the invoice details.

On the tickets tab, information such as the price and details of the ticket type will be displayed.

The cancellations tab will display information about cancellations and refunds (if any), and the payments tab will display payment details.

Download data for an individual invoice or export them in the tabular view by selecting one or more of them and going to the download/export option. 

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